Screen shots from "7th Graders and Pursuit of Happiness." Professor Sandra Enos stands in front of a gallery of art by Rhode Island children, and several 7th graders are shown interacting at school and engaging with activities that they enjoy.
Screenshots from "The Other Side," a short comparing a public and private high school in Rhode Island. Private high school students are asked, "What have you heard about public school kids?" A public school student muses about what she would changeā¦
Screenshots from the Everyday Happiness short "Stories from Stone: Africans in Colonial Rhode Island." Keith Stokes points out a headstone for an early slave from Rhode Island.
An oversized postcard/flyer advertising the exhibit "Walls of Heritage, Walls of Pride," part of the project "The Pursuit of Happiness: African American Murals."
The cover of a booklet for the Everett Dance Theatre's 20th anniversary season, as well as an interior page with the performance "I Never Liked Sad Stories" highlighted.